[Booki-dev] Pictures have disappeared

John Curwood info at lovinglearning.co.nz
Thu Jul 15 00:26:06 PDT 2010

Hey everyone,

I have a question about images, when I began working on the Booki
manual, it was titled booki-dev-guide.  During that time I added a few
pictures to a couple of chapters.  Later the name of the manual was
changed to Booki User Guide.  Now as I'm review the chapters and making
sure everything is ready so the manual can be used after the Great
Migration I've notice several images that are no longer visible (See
Chapter: Creating a Book in the Booki User Guide).  When I investigate I
have found that the bottom 20 or so images listed when the insert image
dialogue is open don't show any thumbnails or display an image when
inserted into the document.  I can't remember if all these images were
added while the book was still called booki dev guide or not so i'm not
sure if this error is a one time thing when the manuals name was changed
or if it is a bug that could cause problems down the track.

Let me know if you have any questions regarding this issue.



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