[Booki-dev] Help needed for the last mile of Booki install

James Simmons nicestep at gmail.com
Tue Oct 19 07:58:52 PDT 2010

I'm trying to install my own instances of Booki both at home and at my
office and I'm getting stuck.  In both cases I want not only Booki but
also OBJAVI 2 and the PHP app that exports Booki books to the HTML
used by FLOSS Manuals.  I have the source for all three, but I can't
quite figure out how to finish the installation.

I have Booki itself working on port 8000, as described in the
instructions.  Now I want to get it served up by Apache using WSGI.
What I want is for the user to go to this URL:

http://ip address/booki

and that will bring up Booki.  I have created this .wsgi file:

import os
import sys

os.environ['DJANGO_SETTINGS_MODULE'] = 'booki.settings'

import django.core.handlers.wsgi
application = django.core.handlers.wsgi.WSGIHandler()

path = '/home/jds/src/booki/lib'
if path not in sys.path

/home/jds is my personal home directory and "src" is where I put
downloaded source code like booki.  I have made sure that WSGI is
installed.  I have added the following line to

WSGIScriptAlias /booki /home/jds/src/booki/booki.wsgi

When I try to access the URL I get a "Forbidden" page, plus SELinux
complains that my web server is trying to access my home directory.
Now it says that it has allowed this (because I turned SELinux off).

As for OBJAVI, the instructions say to set up a virtual host.  I'm
kind of limited in what I can do at home and in the office.  I don't
want to set up multiple IP Addresses for the box because:

1). I don't know how.

2). At work I'd need the cooperation of our networking people, which I
would not get and would get criticized for asking for.

What I need is a quick and dirty setup using one IP address that I can
use to sell the idea of the software to my company.  Once the sales
job is done our Unix people can do a proper setup on a supported box.
The box I'm using now is a discarded desktop computer I use as a
second machine in my office.

Ideally, I'd have these URLs set up:

http://ip address                     Regular static web pages
http://ip address/booki            Booki
http://ip address/objavi2          OBJAVI 2
http://ip address/publish         PHP publishing job.

I'm running Fedora 13 at work and Fedora 12 at home.

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

James Simmons

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