[Booki-dev] hello bookis

Brendan Howell brendan at howell-ersatz.com
Tue Sep 14 13:46:57 PDT 2010

  Hi Folks,

I just wanted to introduce myself and maybe ask a few newbie questions.  
Adam has brought me in to do a bit of front end coding to add a few 
"sexy" features that will impress users.

The first thing I'm trying to sort out is where all the jquery magic 
lives.  Looking at the code, I see most everything seems to be in 
"/booki/lib/booki/editor/templates/editor/edit_book.html".  Is this 
where I would set up the actions for the ToDo list and Comments?

 From my brief reading of the code here it seems that most of the AJAX 
bits are all handled by calls to $.booki.sendToCurrentBook() with a JSON 
object inside.  Is this right?  Seems quite elegant and straightforward!

The HTML bits for the editor seem to live in 
/booki/lib/booki/editor/templates/editor/edit_book.html.  Is that right?

About me:  I'm an artist and engineer and I've been coding and doing IT 
things for about 17 years.  I'm from the US but for the past 3 years 
I've been living in Berlin.  Among other projects, I teach at a small 
design school here.  I'm rather serious about FLOSS and I've worked on 
other open source projects.  Finally, I'm quite excited to be able to 
work on booki as it combines quite a few of my interests and passions.

Thanks in advance for all your help and apologies for what will probably 
be a few stupid questions in the next few days.



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