[FM Discuss] Theora Book Sprint

David Kuehling dvdkhlng at gmx.de
Thu Aug 6 15:32:18 PDT 2009


just entered this list to get in touch about the Theora Book Sprint next

On the workshop website
(http://www.sommercampworkstation.de/?page_id=116), it says

  "Each workshop node is limited to 10 places, so please pre-register!
  This registration is a first indication or preference, cross-talk and
  collaboration between these nodes is encouraged"

Is this for real?  What kind of participation do you expect?

In case you wonder what kind of context I'm coming from: I'm an early
adopter of Theora for private use (DVD-ripping etc), have submitted
minor patches to some Theora-related projects (annodex, mplayer), and
have been following the theora mailinglists for a couple of years now.

Relevant experience for the sprint would be handling Theora video on the
Linux command line, and programming for the liboggz, libogg and
libtheora APIs (if relevant at all).  Or let's just wait for monday to
see where I can help.

BTW due to some unfortunate deadlines this week, I can only attend about
2/3 of the time (my job is in Berlin, just as the workshop).  Hope
that's not too inconvenient.


GnuPG public key: http://user.cs.tu-berlin.de/~dvdkhlng/dk.gpg
Fingerprint: B17A DC95 D293 657B 4205  D016 7DEF 5323 C174 7D40
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