[FM Discuss] naive docbook conversion

Douglas Bagnall douglas at paradise.net.nz
Mon Mar 23 17:54:35 PDT 2009

The other day I came across http://wiki.docbook.org/topic/Html2DocBook
so this morning I had a go with it.

The script and stylesheet I used are in
http://en.flossmanuals.net/~douglas/html2docbook/ and the results
are in

The stylesheet is slightly modified from the wiki.docbook.org one:
it now handles <em>, <strong>, and <code>.

The script just goes through a wget | tidy | xsltproc cycle with no
manual intervention and the barest configuration options.  In some
cases the docbook (.xml) file wasn't created, and I have no idea
whether the ones that were made are any good.


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