[FM Discuss] Seeking information on free Linux online training

Andy Oram andyo at oreilly.com
Tue Sep 29 10:37:57 PDT 2009

I just put up this blog, and I realized I probably could just go to Ed for answers. A Linux trainer I talked to said he hasn't found any such open-source materials. So the question is probably: who is working on filling this gap, and how are these people finding expertise and resources?




I'm interested in hearing about good open-source training materials for GNU/Linux use and administration. I've recently gotten interested in the field of online training, which we do some of at O'Reilly and which is clearly a growing trend in every field. Specifically, I'd asking for pointers to information that:

    * ranges from basic Bash shell commands to configuration and monitoring of major Internet services, with a focus on GNU/Linux;
    * is specifically designed and formatting for self-paced training, such as modules with questions and exercises;
    * is under a free license, such as Creative Commons Share-Alike;
    * is accurate, well-paced, and otherwise of high quality; and
    * is preferably in English, but otherwise in a popular European language such as Spanish, French, Portuguese, etc.

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