[FM Discuss] Modified PDF for MYOSA

James Simmons nicestep at gmail.com
Tue Aug 24 12:38:23 PDT 2010

I have made a stab at doing an improved style sheet for "Make Your Own
Sugar Activities!" to get the fonts in the printed book to a readable
size.  What I've done is to change the font size of both normal and
formatted text to 12pt, remove the style that translated headings to
all upper case, and changed the font family to Century Gothic.  To get
the code listings to fit using 12 pt Courier I'm going to have to
print out all the pages and very carefully re-wrap lines that get
truncated.  I will start on that tonight.  The results I'm getting so
far are here:


If you're thinking about taking the MYOSA CSS challenge this is what
you'd have to compete with.  I'm pretty well sold on using 12 pt
courier for the code samples, plus 12 pt font for the Normal text.
The rest of the styles are up for grabs.

James Simmons

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