[FM Discuss] More chapters translated for Processing

Janet Swisher jmswisher at gmail.com
Mon Nov 29 08:39:29 PST 2010

Hi all,

Over the past long weekend, I translated a few more chapters of the
Processing manual from French into English (see
http://en.flossmanuals.net/bin/view/Processing/WebHome). I'd
appreciate it if another pair of eyes would look them over and
copy-edit them. As I mentioned previously, it can be easy to translate
too closely, resulting in English that's not really idiomatic, so
they'd definitely benefit from liberal editing. As a bonus, you can
learn about Processing (multimedia programming) along the way.

Google Translate is my translation buddy. It helps me out when I
forget bits of grammar and vocabulary; I help it out when it gets
confused by complex grammar. It does remarkably well for a computer
program, but neither of us is perfect. One of its faults is that it
sometimes ignores the "ne" in French sentences, which is means it
doesn't notice they are negated!

This is the second time that I have spent part of my Thanksgiving
weekend on FLOSS Manuals. The first time was the Miro mini-sprint two
years ago. (So much has happened in the last two years! For FM and for
me.) I guess this means I have a new tradition for quiet Thanksgivings
spent at home. (The alternative is Thanksgivings at my brother's
house, like last year, with too many nephews, in-laws, and dogs
underfoot to get any computer work done.)

I'm very thankful that FM exists as a resource for open source
documentation, for the great people I've met through this project, and
for the opportunities it has opened up for me.


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