[FM Discuss] strange error when generating the epub from booki
ana.cichero at gmail.com
Tue Jul 12 21:29:09 PDT 2011
Back from winter hollidays I am working promoting between readers the
translation of the sugar manual ( aka CHUAS ) and noticed an error that
does not fit exactly in any of the tickets I see.
The TOC (of the actual online book) , keep in the epub, the name of the
chapters as they were about 3 weeks before the final version.
(( That is why there are some english, some in spanish ... ))
Something seems to be not refreshing in a proper way. Very weird.
I print below what comes out from the epub as you get it from the epub
button http://en.flossmanuals.net/como-hacer-una-actividad-sugar/
This is not big deal for promoting the reading of the book, but I thought it
was worth reporting.
Regards ;)
<spine toc="ncx">
<itemref idref="ch001_introduccion-ac-100"/>
<itemref idref="ch002_que-es-sugar"/>
<itemref idref="ch003_que-es-una-actividad-sugar-ac-100"/>
<itemref idref="ch006_instalar-el-entorno-de-desarrollo-ac-100"/>
<itemref idref="ch007_crear-tu-primer-actividad-ac-100"/>
<itemref idref="ch008_a-standalone-python-act-for-reading-e-texts"/>
<itemref idref="ch009_heredar-activity-de-sugaractivity-jm-50"/>
<itemref idref="ch010_empaquetar-tu-actividad-ac-100"/>
<itemref idref="ch011_agregar-detalles-ac-100"/>
<itemref idref="ch013_internacionalizarse-con-pootle-god-100"/>
<itemref idref="ch014_distribute-your-activity"/>
<itemref idref="ch015_debbugging-sugar-activities-aj-0"/>
<itemref idref="ch017_making-shared-activities-vc"/>
<itemref idref="ch018_adding-text-to-speach"/>
<itemref idref="ch019_jugar-con-el-journal-ac-100"/>
<itemref idref="ch020_construir-actividades-usando-pygame"/>
<itemref idref="ch021_making-new-toolbars"/>
<itemref idref="ch023_where-do-we-go-from-here"/>
<itemref idref="ch024_about-the-authors"/>
<itemref idref="ch025_credits"/>
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