[FM Discuss] Information needed about setting up booki publisher

Daniel James daniel.james at sourcefabric.org
Thu Jul 21 03:44:27 PDT 2011

Hi James,

> They don't say just where a "local" php.ini file would go.  Putting it
> in /var/www/bookipub doesn't work.

On Ubuntu the global config would be in /etc/php5/apache2/php.ini which
is where I'd recommend putting it (unless you really have apps that run
in different time zones).

Find the line in the php.ini file which begins date.timezone, remove the
semi-colon comment if present, and add the required time zone to the end
of the line. For example:

date.timezone = "America/Toronto"

See http://php.net/manual/en/timezones.php for the correct value for
your location.



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