[FM Discuss] New projects

mokurai at earthtreasury.org mokurai at earthtreasury.org
Sun Jul 31 05:03:05 PDT 2011

I have been talking with

* OpenMRS (medical records system) Needs User and Sysadmin manuals
* Hilaire Fernandes (Etoys manual in French) Translate to English, then
other languages
* JSoftware (APL books about math to translate to J) Arithmetic; Algebra:
An algorithmic approach; Elementary Analysis

OpenMRS, Etoys, and J are all Free Software.

We can get volunteer subject matter experts for each of these projects. I
would manage all five books. There may well be more where those came from.
Edward Mokurai
ج) Cherlin
Silent Thunder is my name, and Children are my nation.
The Cosmos is my dwelling place, the Truth my destination.

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