[FM Discuss] admin upgrade

adam adam at flossmanuals.net
Mon Jun 6 09:00:40 PDT 2011


Due to the wonderful efforts of Andrey Podshivalov from Sourcefabric we 
have a much improved admin system. Thanks thanks thanks to Andrey and to 
the Sourcefabric team.

The new admin system runs on sqlite now and has some improved features 
and better security. The main improvement that will be noticable to 
those that use it is that you now can just update the book that you are 
responsible for - you dont see all the other fm manuals too...that makes 
it a lot more efficient.

As well as that the update mechanism is much better. I will improve it 
still a little since Gearman works for scheduling updates of manuals but 
not for grabbing new material.

Anyways, suffice to say that the system is much more robust now. Please 
feel free to use it and we are now opening the door to anyone that needs 
to use it. If you want to be maintainer for a manual thorugh this sysem 
then email me on or off the list.

(I will also add Daniels CSS changes to the system in the next day or so)




Adam Hyde
Founder, FLOSS Manuals
Project Manager, Booki
Book Sprint Facilitator
mobile :+ 49 177 4935122
identi.ca : @eset

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