[FM Discuss] viva la booki revolution

Aleksandar Erkalovic aerkalov at gmail.com
Wed Feb 15 06:26:48 PST 2012

On Wed, Feb 15, 2012 at 3:01 PM, Tomi Toivio <tomi at flossmanuals.net> wrote:
> Hmm, I managed to install it on my Ubuntu but the fi.flossmanuals.net server
> installation is something totally strange. It uses a virtual environment I
> just can't figure out.
> Maybe it would be easiest to migrate by adding SQL tables manually... :)

if i am not mistaken you have small info how to switch to correct
virtual environment. you know, once you
turn that on, everything else is the same.

there are some changes how booki 1.4 and booktype 1.5 handle profile
images and etc... i am fixing at the moment some bugs that are
throwing exceptions in the background. once i finish doing that, will
write and test conversion scripts for that. booki and booktype are
using south for migrations, so all you have to do is just do
django-admin migrate command. should be simple.



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