[FM Discuss] fm inspires occupy to make a book

a.l.e ale.comp_06 at xox.ch
Fri Jun 22 01:56:25 PDT 2012

> It would be really interesting to have some kind of showcase site for 
> booki.cc - as sometimes it can be difficult to find the gems in with 
> all the test content.
> Personally, I think anyone serious about producing books (other than
> Free Software manuals) should investigate hosting their own Booktype
> instance.
> At the moment, the community is heavily centralised around a few
> servers, which means that there is an admin burden on a small group of
> volunteers. Plus the end users don't get to learn about how to install
> and administer Booktype, which limits the growth of the community.
> I'm hoping to address that problem by making some easy-installing .deb
> (and possibly .rpm) packages for Booktype and Objavi in future.

on the other side, the biggest issue that blocks me from jumping into 
flossmanuals is the burden of having to rent (and pay!) a server with 
python support and having to manage the whole server in a secure way.
(the other issue being that it's hard -- or impossible -- to work 
offline on the manuals)

currently, i'm looking for (and working on) an alternative way to create 
manuals in a collaborative way.

as i already had a chance to say in the past, having an easy way to 
setup a new language community would help getting people on board.
if the community grows enough and wants its own server, it should be 
able to do so (and maybe even be encouraged to do so). but the first 
step should not be to worry about the server: one should right away be 
able to start translating his first book into his language and publish it.

just my 0.05...


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