[FM Discuss] issues with Kdenlive manual images
mick at flossmanuals.net
mick at flossmanuals.net
Wed Feb 14 04:44:15 PST 2018
Hi there,
No there isn't a storage place so yes I think it's good to have a folder
in this repo
Martin you have access via the admin login to make those changes here
Matt, these are global settings and there's no fine tuning available for
I do think this is a positive discussion as while the web -> print ethos
was what FM was founded on and really drove the development and take up
of the FM via Book Sprints where a printed book was the pot of gold at
the end of the rainbow, realistically now most I would say over 90%
people will read FM docs via the web, and via searches.
nice one
On 13/02/18 06:41, Martin Kean wrote:
> Mick is there a place on the server to store global CSS stylesheets?
> If so, then could we have a GitLab repo, and link to (in the meantime)
> the stylesheets from Objavi
> using @import url("full-width-images-global-styles.css"); for example?
> Matt, ''gracefully" is not an actual CSS word, I've just used it here
> as a class name.
> Working example here: https://martinkean.com/img-test.html
> ; Martin
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Discuss <discuss-bounces at lists.flossmanuals.net> on behalf of
> M R <matrobnew at hotmail.com>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, 13 February 2018 6:20:07 p.m.
> *To:* discuss at lists.flossmanuals.net
> *Subject:* Re: [FM Discuss] issues with Kdenlive manual images
> well, it looks gorgeous -- I was thinking I could do that in js, but
> CSS has clearly come a long way.
> I guess the question is how much freedom we have to manipulate the CSS
> at FM, either globally or (especially) case-by-case. Would your
> solution work as a global?
> I love, in any case, that ''gracefully" is an actual word in CSS now...
> matt
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Discuss <discuss-bounces at lists.flossmanuals.net> on behalf of
> Martin Kean <Martin.Kean at op.ac.nz>
> *Sent:* Monday, February 12, 2018 9:22 PM
> *To:* discuss at lists.flossmanuals.net
> *Subject:* Re: [FM Discuss] issues with Kdenlive manual images
> Hi Matt,
> Yup, so,
> "if I felt I truly needed something like a 1400 px screenshot, I could
> specify, say, 130% viewport width,"
> Here, in the example below, the image gracefully scales to the
> viewport width, but when the width narrows to less than 460px, the
> minimum width becomes twice the width of the viewport (200vw)
> CSS:
> img {
> display: block;
> }
> .fullest-width {
> box-sizing: border-box;
> margin: 0;
> width: 100vw;
> height: auto;
> }
> .gracefully {
> -webkit-transition: all 0.3s ease-out;
> transition: all 0.3s ease-out;
> }
> @media screen and (max-width: 460px) {
> .fullest-width {
> min-width: 200vw;
> overflow: visible;
> }
> }
> <div>
> <img class="fullest-width gracefully" src="images/1-681.jpg" />
> </div>
> Does that work?
> Cheers, Martin
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Discuss <discuss-bounces at lists.flossmanuals.net> on behalf of
> M R <matrobnew at hotmail.com>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, 13 February 2018 4:16:14 p.m.
> *To:* discuss at lists.flossmanuals.net
> *Subject:* Re: [FM Discuss] issues with Kdenlive manual images
> Martin:
> So, to be clear, taking your idea of case-by-case: if I felt I
> truly needed something like a 1400 px screenshot, I could specify,
> say, 130% viewport width, rather than the standard 80%, and then
> people with smaller screens would just get a scrollbar? But...if you
> are working with viewport w and h %, is that a maximum for IF your
> browser can't accept the full image in it's original size? Or does it
> instead establish a fixed %, regardless of window size? Because I'd
> hate to enforce a massive screenshot image, and a scrollbar, for
> people who already have large enough windows to accommodate the
> full image size (which I remain convinced would be the majority).
> I'm thinking we may need something like <100% viewport width,
> specified globally in CSS, in conjunction with some kind of de facto
> px limit for screenshots. Though I may just not be understanding your
> proposal.
> Matt
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Discuss <discuss-bounces at lists.flossmanuals.net> on behalf of
> Martin Kean <Martin.Kean at op.ac.nz>
> *Sent:* Monday, February 12, 2018 7:58 PM
> *To:* discuss at lists.flossmanuals.net
> *Subject:* Re: [FM Discuss] issues with Kdenlive manual images
> Hi Matt,
> "... it seems like going with viewport width (and height) % would
> address our issues--but then again, perhaps not completely. If I put
> in a 1300 px wide screenshot and our CSS, revised along the lines
> Martin suggests, rendered that as (say) 80% of someone's 800-pixel
> width screen, then the image would all fit in their screen, but the
> details would be tiny, probably too tiny to be useful. So we might
> still need some absolute limit on screenshot pixel width."
> What about treating images on a case-by-case basis, this would mean
> descriptive CSS class names when inserting images, so for example:
> <img class="screenshot-size">
> <img class="for-small-screens">
> <img class="full-width">
> <img class="80-percent-width">
> "Everyone I've read agrees that screenshots should be PNG and not JPEG."
> I recommend JPEG for photo-like images, whereas PNG is best for images
> that contain text that needs to be readable (PNG preserves shape edges
> to a degree)
> Cheers, Martin
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Discuss <discuss-bounces at lists.flossmanuals.net> on behalf of
> M R <matrobnew at hotmail.com>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, 13 February 2018 3:47:28 p.m.
> *To:* discuss at lists.flossmanuals.net
> *Subject:* Re: [FM Discuss] issues with Kdenlive manual images
> Martin:
> That sounds really interesting: I didn't know you could specify by
> viewport h and w % in CSS (though that's standard in lots of app
> authoring I've done, for e.g. Windows or Android apps). But then I
> know next to nothing about modern CSS; I basically got out of
> client-side web development as such in the early '00s.
> Mick, what do you think? To *some* degree it seems like going with
> viewport width (and height) % would address our issues--but then
> again, perhaps not completely. If I put in a 1300 px wide screenshot
> and our CSS, revised along the lines Martin suggests, rendered that as
> (say) 80% of someone's 800-pixel width screen, then the image would
> all fit in their screen, but the details would be tiny, probably too
> tiny to be useful. So we might still need some absolute limit on
> screenshot pixel width.
> The thing is, there is a whole galactic-sized industry of technical
> writing out there, still cranking out documentation with screenshots
> (despite my best efforts to move them toward video 😊); so you'd think
> there would be best-practice guidelines well established around this
> very question. You would think. But in the google searching I've
> just done, while I've unearthed some very sensible articles/posts from
> individuals talking about what makes for better and worse screenshots,
> I get no sense at all of a widely-accepted standard width or
> resolution. If those standards are out there, they're embedded in
> full tech-writing courses and not seemingly accessible to googling.
> Everyone I've read agrees that screenshots should be PNG and not
> JPEG. Most people agree that PRNTSCRN is too blunt-force, at least
> without cropping, not least because it will inevitably capture
> personal screen details that are idiosyncratic and distracting, and
> irrelevant. Any tech-writing professional is presumably using some
> specialized screen capture software that allows for selection of a
> customized area or a specified app or window (the one I use even tries
> to pick out specific panes/windows within the software UI I'm
> demo-ing, which is great when it works). But none of this speaks to
> how large (and in what resolution) the captured area actually should be.
> The common-sense answer is: "large enough to show what you need to
> show, ie what is actually relevant to your demonstration." Mick, that
> was basically your original answer, and it's truly sound common sense;
> but then I would go right back to my original response to it. Maybe
> where that leaves us is the idea that, if the software you're trying
> to demonstrate really does require you to see, simultaneously,
> multiple panes of a UI stretching across, say, 1000+ pixels or more,
> then perhaps we're beyond the limits of the static text-and-screenshot
> genre of documentation anyway. So maybe we just kick the image-width
> limit up slightly, to 1000 (though that was a purely arbitrary
> number); or maybe we change the CSS to a % of viewport, but still
> establish a defacto max width of 1000 for FM screenshots. Or maybe
> the de facto standard should remain 800 px. Truly it beats me.
> I'm going to stay below 800 px for the duration of the Shotcut manual,
> anyway -- even though I'd be truly surprised if many Shotcut users
> actually confined themselves to that little real estate in using the
> tool. Btw, here's some survey data on display sizes and their
> historical trend, from a pretty established source:
> https://www.w3schools.com/browsers/browsers_display.asp
> OTOH, the typical FM manual consumer might be a lot more old-school
> than the median of these trends.
> Best,
> Matt
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Discuss <discuss-bounces at lists.flossmanuals.net> on behalf of
> Martin Kean <Martin.Kean at op.ac.nz>
> *Sent:* Monday, February 12, 2018 5:37 PM
> *To:* discuss at lists.flossmanuals.net
> *Subject:* Re: [FM Discuss] issues with Kdenlive manual images
> Hi there,
> I'm a little late to the conversation, but wondering if pixels are the
> best for <img> width within device screens or for the printed page.
> I often use vw and vh, viewport width and viewport height:
> https://css-tricks.com/fun-viewport-units/
> and here ...
> https://css-tricks.com/full-width-containers-limited-width-parents/
> ... but of course the point we want to get to is not having to resort
> to media queries, or specific stylesheets for print and screen outputs.
> I'm really getting into CSS Grid:
> https://css-tricks.com/snippets/css/complete-guide-grid/
> http://jensimmons.com/post/feb-27-2017/learn-css-grid
> ... but this would be too long a stride out at this point, so I
> suggest viewport widths:
> img {
> border-style: none;
> border: 0;
> box-sizing: border-box;
> min-width: 80vw; /* 80% of the screen or page width, or
> whatever % you prefer */
> max-width: 95vw; /* again, whatever % you prefer */
> height: auto;
> }
> I'd like to work with anyone on this so please keep me in the loop.
> Thanks, Martin
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Discuss <discuss-bounces at lists.flossmanuals.net> on behalf of
> M R <matrobnew at hotmail.com>
> *Sent:* Tuesday, 13 February 2018 10:29:46 a.m.
> *To:* discuss at lists.flossmanuals.net
> *Subject:* Re: [FM Discuss] issues with Kdenlive manual images
> Hi Mick:
> Well, for my part, I thank you for being so gracious in responding to
> my often-polemical screeds. That's kind of how I process what
> I learn -- and working on the Floss manuals has been a huge learning
> experience for me -- but some of it should probably just be saved for
> my cat. She's used to it.
> The image-width constraint has been a challenge, but a productive one,
> as I start working through the how-to chapters of the Shotcut manual.
> I'm managing so far. I'm sure there are all kinds of feature
> benefits in moving to Booktype 2.x, but I'm sure it's a hassle too.
> As far as changing the global css override for image width in our
> current Booktype: seems like a lot of factors to consider there. One,
> how do modern browsers process the css implemented there -- I don't
> know nearly as much about that as some people in this community. Most
> modern websites are designed to scale gracefully down to very small
> screen sizes, without scrolling -- especially in the era of tablet and
> mobile browsing. But that's typically about how different page
> elements flow around each other, rather than how a specific
> large image is handled. Still, I know that all my browsers (IE,
> Chrome, Firefox) will automatically scale down a large image to fit my
> window, in nearly all cases, unlesss I force them to show me the image
> full-size.
> I don't think we're anywhere close, with Booktype 1.6, to being able
> to produce html content that's in any sense mobile-ready; so really
> this is a question of how many people are actually accessing the Floss
> manuals on desktops and laptops with windows set to less than a 800 px
> or 700 px resolution. Maybe we could do a survey? And similarly, how
> many people are using the print-friendly format (since that would
> probably remain the real constraint).
> best,
> Matt
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Discuss <discuss-bounces at lists.flossmanuals.net> on behalf of
> Mick Chesterman <M.Chesterman at mmu.ac.uk>
> *Sent:* Monday, February 12, 2018 3:16 AM
> *To:* discuss at lists.flossmanuals.net
> *Subject:* Re: [FM Discuss] issues with Kdenlive manual images
> Hi Matt,
> Thanks for these thoughtful responses. I can see your point about the
> advantage of video tutorials for these kinds of complex situations
> where there are a lot of moving parts.
> And you make a good case for looking at different situations and using
> doc tools based on the most appropriate response.
> As far as the screen limit, at the moment, the css override is the
> following;
> img {
> border-style:none;
> max-width:800px;
> height: auto;
> }
> I would be very up for changing that to increase if we can work out a
> way of the image size scaling down if people's windows are smaller.
> This has been helpful for me to start up conversations to get moved to
> booktype 2 as well.
> Thanks
> Mick
> *From:* Discuss <discuss-bounces at lists.flossmanuals.net> on behalf of
> M R <matrobnew at hotmail.com>
> *Sent:* 10 February 2018 21:07
> *To:* discuss at lists.flossmanuals.net
> *Subject:* Re: [FM Discuss] issues with Kdenlive manual images
> Mick:
> I just sent a version of this response with a doc attachment, but the
> listserve is balking at the size of the attachment as it has
> multiple screenshots, so here is just the text of my response
> repeated. Perhaps the moderator-machine will let my first version
> with the attachment through in time. Meanwhile:
> I think you raise a valid point, and codifying screenshot guidelines
> sounds like a good idea; but I also think it just depends utterly on
> what kind of authoring or editing tool (and what kind of media) we're
> talking about. Generally speaking, the more complex the media (or
> multimedia) being edited or authored, the more likely it is that a UI
> surface will need to have multiple panes/panels/windows showing
> different kinds of information, but that really need to be viewed
> simultaneously (more or less) to get a whole picture of what you're
> doing in a given operation. And very little software UI design
> today, for such editors, assumes that users will confine themselves to
> anything like an 800 px-wide screen resolution.
> Let's consider some concrete examples. Audio is in some ways the
> simplest medium, and so with a tool like Audacity, you're for the most
> part just working in tracks on a linear timeline, so showing just part
> of that timeline in a screenshot will generally suffice to put across
> your operation. And a simple text editor, of course, can pretty much
> be sized however you want it, within reason. With code-editors it
> depends on how feature-rich the UI is. Static image editors and draw
> tools, same thing: I think our Inkscape manual does an amazing job of
> working with probably too-confined real estate. Photoshop or Gimp
> would also be a challenge, though I can imagine it. Something like
> Powerpoint or comparable slide-deck tools is already pushing the
> limits for small-screen editing, even of a 'static' product, since
> slide-decks really aren't static anyway.
> For a video editor, that's already much more complex as you have a
> linear timeline plus a video display, plus typically other panes with
> important property information. So far in the new Shotcut manual I've
> just shown just portions of each of these, which is fine for a
> walk-through of the different panels but will be a real constraint
> when I get to the actual 'how-to' chapters. But I'll do my best.
> For a tool to author any kind of multimedia/interactive eLearning
> material (e.g. Articulate Storyline, Adobe Captivate), you can very
> rarely get away with seeing just 700-800 px of real estate at once.
> Or Flash (now reborn as Animate), or really just about any Adobe-model
> multimedia authoring product. For 3D modeling and game-building
> tools, not a chance. It's true that you will still want to draw your
> reader's/viewer's attention to different parts of the UI, to
> understand what they're about, but to get a sense of real-time
> operations you need to see the whole. In these cases there is no such
> thing as "the most relevant part of the screen" -- it's all
> relevant. This is really why video software tutorials almost always
> show the full software UI, taking up most or all of the
> presenter's desktop, and are typically now shot in high-resolution and
> meant to be viewed wide-screen or full-screen too.
> I've already indicated other reasons why I think a text-and-screenshot
> document for a tool like Blender or Unity is pretty pointless. I'd
> extend that to many of the other tools I've mentioned here. Shotcut
> is probably pushing it, though at least in video editing the number
> of /moving/parts is still (somewhat) limited. Still, if there were
> simply more decent video tutorials extant for Shotcut, I wouldn't
> consider it worthwhile to write an FM manual for it. And setting the
> moving-parts argument aside, if I were designing a BookType-style
> platform now, I'd never put in a 700 px hardcoded limit for images,
> regardless of the target medium, even print.
> Attached (in the original, currently-embargoed version) is a doc with
> me putting my $$ or effort where my mouth is regarding tutorials for a
> tool like Unity3D. One can still find book-length text-and-screenshot
> manuals for Unity too, but to my mind they are entirely pointless.
> For Shotcut, though, the effort still seems worthwhile, at least at
> this stage in the process. Ask me again in another few weeks.
> Best,
> Matt
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> *From:* Discuss <discuss-bounces at lists.flossmanuals.net> on behalf of
> mick at flossmanuals.net <mick at flossmanuals.net>
> *Sent:* Saturday, February 10, 2018 5:57 AM
> *To:* discuss at lists.flossmanuals.net
> *Subject:* Re: [FM Discuss] issues with Kdenlive manual images
> On 09/02/18 20:16, M R wrote:
> > 00 px is a pretty draconian limit for modern screenshots, though, as
> > no one in their right might would use most of these editing tools at
> > that width. I get that the print version needs some kind of image
> > width limit. One would think that the "Constrain Proportions"
> > function would at least, you know, constrain proportions if the image
> > exceeded that limit, and simply show a smaller overall screenshot.
> > But I can't get that to work in the editor: it seems to always take
> > the actual height but constain the width. No doubt why they fixed it
> > in 2.2...
> As Rosalind pointed out, I does seem to do that for the published
> version. But I have seen squished images in the editor too.
> So maybe we can work on a guideline for images width based on what they
> look like when they are outputted to pdf. 800px for me seems about right
> as above that it is hard to see what you want users to look at.
> For me although the challenge of drawing the attention to the most
> relevant part of the screen.
> Thanks
> Mick
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