[FM Discuss] Discuss Digest, Vol 159, Issue 2

Support support at trypura.com
Mon Jan 16 13:02:29 PST 2023

Thanks so much for reaching out!

This is an automated response to let you know we’ve received your message.

We are striving for a 72 hour response time to all inquiries. Due to increased volume over the holidays it may take longer than normal, and we appreciate any patience you can extend to our team during this time. 

Please note our operating hours are Monday \- Friday 8:00am \- 5:00pm MST. 

In the meantime, you can receive help through our [chat feature](https://app.mavenoid.com/org/pura/product/8017321/s/new?authtoken=e2d63b96031ccca9128b) with how\-to guides and troubleshooting steps. Or you can also access our [Help Center](https://help.trypura.com/).

Thank you for your patience. We look forward to helping you soon! 
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