[FM Discuss] Pure Data Manual issues (was Re: FLOSS manuals archive sites - and a volunteer request)

mick mick at flossmanuals.net
Wed Jul 3 12:36:03 PDT 2024

Hi there Alexandre,

Can I ask you to to do a pull request on  the following git repository?

That way you can either put in an update to where you want it to point 
to or just remove content entirely

Have a nice day!

On 03/07/2024 18:04, Alexandre Torres Porres wrote:
> Hi, I'm resurrecting this discussion from over 2.5 years ago, sorry.
> We have been updating the "current" document here => 
> https://en.flossmanuals.net/pd-extended/_full/
> What happened was that the Pd FLOSS Manual is just adding more noise 
> and confusion than really helping.
> Pure Data has an official manual, see 
> https://msp.ucsd.edu/Pd_documentation/index.htm and, by the way, I am 
> the one in the community that has been mostly engaged in working with 
> Pd's manual and all of its documentation, help files, etc... you can 
> see I am part of the Pd team in the Pure Data repository and one with 
> the most commits count/collaboration 
> https://github.com/pure-data/pure-data/graphs/contributors
> A couple of years ago we did update the FLOSS manual to make it clear 
> it was a 'Pd Extended' manual, which I think is a good improvement, 
> but more needs to be made because what I've seen over the years is 
> that people are still very very very confused on what Pd's manual is 
> and where to find and still think that a parallel document from almost 
> 20 years ago that did represent a fork of Pd is the actual manual and 
> official source. This is bad, just bad.
> And one thing that contributes to that is that google is still showing 
> this webarchive as a top result 
> https://archive.flossmanuals.net/pure-data/
> This is the archived version that makes it not clear at all the 
> minimum changes that were made to the current manual. And it is weird 
> that the old archived one shows up on the very top and on top of the 
> non archived pd manual document from FLOSS.
> What I asked a few years ago (and I am sorry I didn't insist on it) is 
> to simply at least delete the archived version of the so called 'Pd 
> manual', which is not a real thing, and it is an outdated duplicated 
> version of the other  less confusing Pd-Extended Manual.
> For those unaware, Pd-extended was a fork of Pd, so not the real 
> thing, and it is long gone and abandoned, for over a decade! It 
> doesn't run in newer versions of macOS, for instance. Warnings have 
> been made that the current Manual regards Pd Extended and is being 
> kept as a historical document, and that it can still be useful if you 
> adapt the examples to the current version of the official and main 
> distribution of Pure Data (aka Pd Vanilla) and install the externals 
> used on the book.
> I also mentioned how there were no plans whatsoever to start a new and 
> updated manual on FLOSS Manuals. The Pd Manual resides on Miller's 
> website and I hope that we can minimize the noise and confusion. Our 
> (mine mostly) efforts are just in improving the official manual that 
> comes with Pd Vanilla.
> So, this was the context of that old discussion, let me address the 
> response from Mick and then reply it back.
> Em seg., 29 de nov. de 2021 às 13:19, Mick Fuzz 
> <mick at flossmanuals.net> escreveu:
>     Hi there,
>     The archive site at archive.flossmanuals.net
>     <http://archive.flossmanuals.net> - is a snap shot of flossmanuals
>     about 7 or 8 years ago or so.
>     So it's not straightforward to delete things from it. And well the
>     idea isn't really to keep that archive up to date as it's an
>     archive :) I don't think it's a good idea to subtract from an
>     archive. But yes better signposting that it is an archive and
>     where to find up to date things would be really useful. I'm keen
>     to work on that.
> In this case, there is no point in keeping this, sorry, it's just 
> making it worse and I still find people confused, to this day, that 
> this is the Pd Manual. So please, let's just find a way to remove this 
> archived version, and, well, if you ask me, I still find no good 
> purpose on keeping the more up to date version for historical reasons 
> since that software is dead for so long and can't run on modern 
> computers and OSes. If anything, I can try and adapt the information 
> there for Vanilla, completely out of the Floss Manuals world, and into 
> the Pure Data official documentation, so I'd like to also discuss that 
> option that we just remove 'Pd' stuff completely from Floss Manuals. 
> Nonetheless, this would require more discussion, time and coordinated 
> efforts, but for now I hope we can just remove this archived version 
> that is not really contributing to anything, on the contrary.
> Thank you and sorry again for not following this up.
> Alex
>     On 29/11/2021 10:31, Helen Varley Jamieson wrote:
>>     i would say delete all duplicate copies, it just makes it
>>     confusing :)
>>     On 28.11.21 17:18, Alexandre Torres Porres wrote:
>>>     Em qui., 25 de nov. de 2021 às 06:25, Mick Chesterman
>>>     <M.Chesterman at mmu.ac.uk> escreveu:
>>>         Hi there,
>>>         I’ve been working with Alexandre Porres from the pure data
>>>         community to correct older versions of our pure data manual
>>>         and the current one.
>>>     Hi folks, that's me!
>>>     We have been updating the "current" document here =>
>>>     https://en.flossmanuals.net/pd-extended/_full/
>>>     One thing that was confusing is that this was referred to as a
>>>     "Pure Data" manual, but was in fact a "Pd-extended" manual. We
>>>     changed the title and I'm editing the first introduction page.
>>>     What needs to be updated there is the fact that Pd-extended is
>>>     long gone and abandoned, and it doesn't run in newer versions of
>>>     macOS, for instance. Warnings have been made that the book is
>>>     being kept as a historical document, and that it can still be
>>>     useful if you adapt the examples to the current version of the
>>>     official and main distribution of Pure Data (aka Pd Vanilla) and
>>>     install the externals used on the book.
>>>     By the way, there are currently no plans whatsoever to start a
>>>     new and updated manual on FLOSS Manuals, or elsewhere. Anything
>>>     like that is pretty unlikely to happen. Our efforts are just in
>>>     improving the official manual that comes with Pd Vanilla (now
>>>     currently referred to in the edits I made to the "current" FLOSS
>>>     manual).
>>>     ------
>>>     Now, we also have this archived version of the same book. And I
>>>     just don't understand why it exists. It was actually the exact
>>>     same book, with the same contents as the "new one". We now have
>>>     minor edits to explain the current scenario and avoid
>>>     confusions, but keeping the archived version still adds noise
>>>     and confusion.
>>>     As for possible solutions, we can make the same changes back
>>>     into the archived one. But why keep both identical books around?
>>>     One archived, and another not?
>>>     It just makes sense to me to delete the old archived one and
>>>     just keep this new one around, which also the same document.
>>>     What do you people think?
>>>     Thanks a lot for your work keeping up FLOSS Manuals.
>>>     Cheers
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>>     -- 
>>     helen varley jamieson
>>     helen at creative-catalyst.com
>>     http://www.creative-catalyst.com
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>>     https://mobilise-demobilise.eu
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