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<p style="margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0">Hi Matt, Maren and Mick,</p>
<p style="margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0"><br>
<p style="margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0">I'm keen to help with the CSS on any manual.</p>
<p style="margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0">Is there a list of CSS requests?</p>
<p style="margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0"><br>
<p style="margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0">I have some initial suggestions:</p>
<p style="margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0"><br>
<p style="margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0"></p>
<ol style="margin-bottom: 0px; margin-top: 0px;">
<li><span style="font-size: 12pt;"></span>More space in the gutter</li><li>Remove page numbers from title page and following page</li><li>Centre the title on the title page</li></ol>
<p style="margin-top:0;margin-bottom:0">Cheers, Martin</p>
<hr style="display:inline-block;width:98%" tabindex="-1">
<div id="divRplyFwdMsg" dir="ltr"><font face="Calibri, sans-serif" style="font-size:11pt" color="#000000"><b>From:</b> Discuss <discuss-bounces@lists.flossmanuals.net> on behalf of Mick Chesterman <M.Chesterman@mmu.ac.uk><br>
<b>Sent:</b> Tuesday, 30 January 2018 9:13:25 a.m.<br>
<b>To:</b> discuss@lists.flossmanuals.net<br>
<b>Subject:</b> Re: [FM Discuss] question about pdf generation on FLOSS Manuals / Booktype</font>
<div> </div>
<div class="BodyFragment"><font size="2"><span style="font-size:11pt;">
<div class="PlainText">Thanks Maren, <br>
I've tried those settings with the Audacity manual and it looks better but still needs some tweaks.
<a href="http://objavi.booktype.pro/data/books/audacity-en-2018.01.29-21.10.44.pdf">http://objavi.booktype.pro/data/books/audacity-en-2018.01.29-21.10.44.pdf</a><br>
From: Discuss <discuss-bounces@lists.flossmanuals.net> on behalf of Maren Hachmann <maren@goos-habermann.de><br>
Sent: 29 January 2018 13:19<br>
To: discuss@lists.flossmanuals.net<br>
Subject: Re: [FM Discuss] question about pdf generation on FLOSS Manuals / Booktype<br>
Here's some additional info that one of our devs has found out while<br>
trying things out:<br>
<a href="https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape-docs/manuals/blob/master/beginners_guide/README.md">https://gitlab.com/inkscape/inkscape-docs/manuals/blob/master/beginners_guide/README.md</a><br>
(he's not a native English speaker)<br>
Am 29.01.2018 um 11:13 schrieb M R:<br>
> Mick:<br>
> I've had a quick look at your final link -- can you tell me where you<br>
> found the stuff about pdf formatting? I'm not finding it. "Editing a<br>
> Chapter" is pretty generic. And the "Tips and Tricks" section seems to<br>
> all be about CSS stuff.<br>
> While I don't love the widows and orphans, I could live with those if we<br>
> could just get a TOC in there. But I don't know how to do it other than<br>
> creating an actual chapter for the TOC, which would look totally strange<br>
> in any other format.<br>
> thanks,<br>
> Matt<br>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>
> *From:* Discuss <discuss-bounces@lists.flossmanuals.net> on behalf of<br>
> Mick Chesterman <M.Chesterman@mmu.ac.uk><br>
> *Sent:* Monday, January 29, 2018 1:25 AM<br>
> *To:* discuss@lists.flossmanuals.net<br>
> *Subject:* Re: [FM Discuss] question about pdf generation on FLOSS<br>
> Manuals / Booktype<br>
> Hi Matt,<br>
> Regards your question below about pdf generation. I have to admit I know<br>
> next to nothing about this.<br>
> My focus has always been on the web side of things.<br>
> It would be good if people could share any info they have.<br>
> We are using booktype 1.6. So I did a bit of research.<br>
> There is some info on some of those aspects in the docs<br>
> CSS formatting<br>
> <a href="http://sourcefabric.booktype.pro/booktype-16-for-authors-and-publishers/adding-css/">
> /chapter: Adding-Css / Booktype 1.6 for Authors and Publishers<br>
> <<a href="http://sourcefabric.booktype.pro/booktype-16-for-authors-and-publishers/adding-css/">http://sourcefabric.booktype.pro/booktype-16-for-authors-and-publishers/adding-css/</a>><br>
> sourcefabric.booktype.pro<br>
> Everything you ever wanted to know about Sourcefabric software is here!<br>
> CSS tricks<br>
> <a href="http://sourcefabric.booktype.pro/booktype-16-for-authors-and-publishers/some-tricks/">
> /chapter: Some-Tricks / Booktype 1.6 for Authors and Publishers<br>
> <<a href="http://sourcefabric.booktype.pro/booktype-16-for-authors-and-publishers/some-tricks/">http://sourcefabric.booktype.pro/booktype-16-for-authors-and-publishers/some-tricks/</a>><br>
> sourcefabric.booktype.pro<br>
> Everything you ever wanted to know about Sourcefabric software is here!<br>
> A tip to insert Page breaks as a hack to avoid orphans and widows in pdfs<br>
> <a href="http://sourcefabric.booktype.pro/booktype-16-for-authors-and-publishers/editing-a-chapter/">
> /chapter: Editing-A-Chapter / Booktype 1.6 for Authors and Publishers<br>
> <<a href="http://sourcefabric.booktype.pro/booktype-16-for-authors-and-publishers/editing-a-chapter/">http://sourcefabric.booktype.pro/booktype-16-for-authors-and-publishers/editing-a-chapter/</a>><br>
> sourcefabric.booktype.pro<br>
> Everything you ever wanted to know about Sourcefabric software is here!<br>
> Thanks<br>
> Mick<br>
> *From:*Discuss [<a href="mailto:discuss-bounces@lists.flossmanuals.net">mailto:discuss-bounces@lists.flossmanuals.net</a>] *On<br>
> Behalf Of *M R<br>
> *Sent:* 27 January 2018 20:04<br>
> *To:* discuss@lists.flossmanuals.net<br>
> *Subject:* Re: [FM Discuss] next steps on Audacity book<br>
> Mick (et al):<br>
> All great stuff on your changes and review. Thanks for addressing the<br>
> table issue in the Menu chapter. And the image max-width: I didn't<br>
> even know that could be adjusted. I had just ended up making all of my<br>
> screenshots smaller so as to get around that distortion issue.<br>
> I think the ePub book proof looks really good. The pdf one doesn't seem<br>
> to handle page-breaks very gracefully (among other issues), but it<br>
> doesn't appear that there's a way to handle that at the level of the<br>
> content-edit platform itself. Nor does the pdf seem to auto-generate a<br>
> table of contents, which is a more significant failing -- but again<br>
> these must be issues common to all Floss manuals in pdf. Or maybe there<br>
> are settings you can fiddle with specific to generating PDFs on the<br>
> platform.<br>
> In the "Recording" chapter, yes I do still see my bracketed<br>
> comment/query about whether that Mac-specific config stuff was still<br>
> applicable to 2.x. Certainly we should remove the comment. But it's<br>
> still an open question to me whether we should remove any or all of the<br>
> original Mac config info that follows too--and I think that can only be<br>
> settled via experimentation with a Mac. So Rosalind or another Mac<br>
> person will have to address that. I think we decided in general that we<br>
> would *not* preserve in this manual any info pertaining only to 1.x<br>
> versions of Audacity, at least unless it was clearly flagged as such.<br>
> Mick, as to your final suggestion about moving the chapters around, I<br>
> certainly see the logic insofar as the Tutorial chapters are much more<br>
> 'fun'/interesting to read (as they were to re-write). However, there is<br>
> probably a more compelling logic to walking through the UI<br>
> systematically before diving into those tutorials, since at many points<br>
> they embed the assumption that you know where to find a given menu item,<br>
> or they only use the quickest shorthand (like "Go to Edit > Tracks ><br>
> Split Track") rather than giving you screenshots or any more detailed<br>
> guidance on the UI. Further, at least in the ePub format where the menu<br>
> is readily accessible, it's easy enough for the reader to skip straight<br>
> to the tutorials if they choose to. That is another reason, though, why<br>
> having a TOC (and ideally a clickable one) is pretty vital for the PDF<br>
> version too.<br>
> Anyway, thanks again for your work on this. If Rosalind can take a look<br>
> at that Mac config stuff in the Record chapter, and if you know any<br>
> magic you can do with the PDF-generate settings, then I think we're good<br>
> to go for this iteration.<br>
> Matt<br>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>
> *From:*Discuss <discuss-bounces@lists.flossmanuals.net<br>
> <<a href="mailto:discuss-bounces@lists.flossmanuals.net">mailto:discuss-bounces@lists.flossmanuals.net</a>>> on behalf of<br>
> mick@flossmanuals.net <<a href="mailto:mick@flossmanuals.net">mailto:mick@flossmanuals.net</a>><br>
> <mick@flossmanuals.net <<a href="mailto:mick@flossmanuals.net">mailto:mick@flossmanuals.net</a>>><br>
> *Sent:* Saturday, January 27, 2018 4:09 AM<br>
> *To:* discuss@lists.flossmanuals.net <<a href="mailto:discuss@lists.flossmanuals.net">mailto:discuss@lists.flossmanuals.net</a>><br>
> *Subject:* Re: [FM Discuss] next steps on Audacity book<br>
> Hi there,<br>
> I've had a chance to review this, Great work!<br>
> Just one thing I think needs to be looked at<br>
> * There's still a comment visible on Mac recording questions - it does<br>
> seem like this might need some simplification here<br>
> Here are some thing I did.<br>
> * I've added 10px padding to table which I think helps.<br>
> * I've removed a legacy issue about linux recording issues.<br>
> * I've increased the max-width of image display to 800px ,<br>
> height:Auto to help with some image distortions. This seems to be<br>
> fine on screen but doesn't take for the pdf,<br>
> I've generated pdfs and epubs here for testing too.<br>
> <a href="http://objavi.booktype.pro:80/data/books/audacity-en-2018.01.27-11.59.46.epub">
> <<a href="http://objavi.booktype.pro/data/books/audacity-en-2018.01.27-11.59.46.epub">http://objavi.booktype.pro/data/books/audacity-en-2018.01.27-11.59.46.epub</a>><br>
> <a href="http://objavi.booktype.pro:80/data/books/audacity-en-2018.01.27-12.00.12.pdf">
> <<a href="http://objavi.booktype.pro/data/books/audacity-en-2018.01.27-12.00.12.pdf">http://objavi.booktype.pro/data/books/audacity-en-2018.01.27-12.00.12.pdf</a>><br>
> More general feedback is that the chapter under tutorials look great.<br>
> Good work.<br>
> I would be tempted to move them right to the front of the book as a more<br>
> task focused start, and to move installation and the explanations of the<br>
> file menus in the appendix.<br>
> That way the reader can get started trying things out right away. That's<br>
> just a suggestion tho.<br>
> Thanks<br>
> Mick<br>
> On 26/01/18 00:14, M R wrote:<br>
> Hi Martin:<br>
> It does need proofreading, as its been almost completely rewritten<br>
> as part of the update to 2.x. Mick has offered to do that this<br>
> weekend, but a pair of fresh eyes probably wouldn't hurt either--as<br>
> long as Katou is reasonably expeditious, since we are trying to wrap<br>
> this up and get it republished so it can actually get to users.<br>
> Localization is another and certainly important issue: my only<br>
> working language (at the level of something like this manual) is<br>
> English, and if someone wanted to translate the revision into other<br>
> languages that would be a good thing, but also I think a separate<br>
> project. Finally, I don't know if Katou has prior expertise with<br>
> Audacity, but if so, you could mention that this manual is far from<br>
> comprehensive, esp in the 'How to' or tutorial chapters, and there's<br>
> always opportunity to add in more chapters with additional<br>
> functionality. Which would, again, though, be something we'd want<br>
> to address in a further iteration of the manual, not the imminent one.<br>
> Matt<br>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>
> *From:*Discuss <discuss-bounces@lists.flossmanuals.net><br>
> <<a href="mailto:discuss-bounces@lists.flossmanuals.net">mailto:discuss-bounces@lists.flossmanuals.net</a>> on behalf of Martin<br>
> Kean <Martin.Kean@op.ac.nz> <<a href="mailto:Martin.Kean@op.ac.nz">mailto:Martin.Kean@op.ac.nz</a>><br>
> *Sent:* Thursday, January 25, 2018 4:01 PM<br>
> *To:* discuss@lists.flossmanuals.net<br>
> <<a href="mailto:discuss@lists.flossmanuals.net">mailto:discuss@lists.flossmanuals.net</a>><br>
> *Subject:* Re: [FM Discuss] next steps on Audacity book<br>
> Hi Maren and Matt,<br>
> I've just added Katou as a user, who is interested in proofreading<br>
> and localisation, along with writing and editing. Does the Audacity<br>
> manual need proofreading?<br>
> Username: katou<br>
> Email: katou@live.it <<a href="mailto:katou@live.it">mailto:katou@live.it</a>><br>
> Thanks, Martin<br>
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------<br>
> *From:*Discuss <discuss-bounces@lists.flossmanuals.net><br>
> <<a href="mailto:discuss-bounces@lists.flossmanuals.net">mailto:discuss-bounces@lists.flossmanuals.net</a>> on behalf of Maren<br>
> Hachmann <maren@goos-habermann.de> <<a href="mailto:maren@goos-habermann.de">mailto:maren@goos-habermann.de</a>><br>
> *Sent:* Friday, 26 January 2018 3:35:58 a.m.<br>
> *To:* discuss@lists.flossmanuals.net<br>
> <<a href="mailto:discuss@lists.flossmanuals.net">mailto:discuss@lists.flossmanuals.net</a>><br>
> *Subject:* Re: [FM Discuss] next steps on Audacity book<br>
> Yes, same URL - maybe something with your browser cache not refreshing?<br>
> Maren<br>
> Am 25.01.2018 um 09:04 schrieb Mick Chesterman:<br>
> > Great but strange.<br>
> ><br>
> > What URL are you testing<br>
> > I was testing here where it is still 12px for me on Firefox<br>
> > <a href="http://write.flossmanuals.net/start-with-inkscape/test-chapter-for-trying-out-styling/">
> /chapter: Test-Chapter-For-Trying-Out-Styling / Start with ...<br>
> <<a href="http://write.flossmanuals.net/start-with-inkscape/test-chapter-for-trying-out-styling/">http://write.flossmanuals.net/start-with-inkscape/test-chapter-for-trying-out-styling/</a>><br>
> write.flossmanuals.net<br>
> Test Chapter (for trying out styling) This chapter is meant for<br>
> trying out how to best style the book. This is a keyboard shortcut:<br>
> Ctrl + A. This is a special note ...<br>
> ><br>
> > Thanks<br>
> > Mick<br>
> >> -----Original Message-----<br>
> >> From: Discuss [<a href="mailto:discuss-bounces@lists.flossmanuals.net">mailto:discuss-bounces@lists.flossmanuals.net</a>] On Behalf Of<br>
> >> Maren Hachmann<br>
> >> Sent: 24 January 2018 21:34<br>
> >> To: discuss@lists.flossmanuals.net <<a href="mailto:discuss@lists.flossmanuals.net">mailto:discuss@lists.flossmanuals.net</a>><br>
> >> Subject: Re: [FM Discuss] next steps on Audacity book<br>
> >><br>
> >> I don't see any problems, it seemst to have worked just fine, see screenshot.<br>
> >><br>
> >> Thank you very much, Mick!<br>
> >><br>
> >> Maren<br>
> >><br>
> >> Am 24.01.2018 um 21:33 schrieb Rosalind Lord:<br>
> >>> Mick, would you like me to help with this? I have lots of experience<br>
> >>> coding HTML and CSS.<br>
> >>><br>
> >>> - Rosalind<br>
> >>><br>
> >>>> On Jan 23, 2018, at 11:59 PM, Mick Chesterman<br>
> >> <M.Chesterman@mmu.ac.uk <<a href="mailto:M.Chesterman@mmu.ac.uk">mailto:M.Chesterman@mmu.ac.uk</a>><br>
> >>>> <<a href="mailto:M.Chesterman@mmu.ac.uk">mailto:M.Chesterman@mmu.ac.uk</a>>> wrote:<br>
> >>>><br>
> >>>> Hi there,<br>
> >>>><br>
> >>>> I've added an override but it doesn't seem to have taken.<br>
> >>>> Can you start a ticket here and let's try to solve this together.<br>
> >>>> <a href="https://gitlab.com/flossmanuals/fm_booktype/issues">https://gitlab.com/flossmanuals/fm_booktype/issues</a><br>
> >>>><br>
> >>>> Thanks<br>
> >>>> Mick<br>
> >>>><br>
> >>>>> -----Original Message-----<br>
> >>>>> From: Discuss [<a href="mailto:discuss-bounces@lists.flossmanuals.net">mailto:discuss-bounces@lists.flossmanuals.net</a>] On<br>
> >>>>> Behalf Of Maren Hachmann<br>
> >>>>> Sent: 23 January 2018 23:16<br>
> >>>>> To: discuss@lists.flossmanuals.net <<a href="mailto:discuss@lists.flossmanuals.net">mailto:discuss@lists.flossmanuals.net</a>><br>
> >>>>> <<a href="mailto:discuss@lists.flossmanuals.net">mailto:discuss@lists.flossmanuals.net</a>><br>
> >>>>> Subject: Re: [FM Discuss] next steps on Audacity book<br>
> >>>>><br>
> >>>>> Piggy-backing, as I've got a CSS change request, too:<br>
> >>>>> The font size for ordered / unordered lists is too small by default<br>
> >>>>> (12px instead of 13px for all other text in a manual), because the<br>
> >>>>> lists are not wrapped in paragraphs (which have a font size of 13),<br>
> >>>>> and inherit the body font size.<br>
> >>>>><br>
> >>>>> As this doesn't only affect the Inkscape guide, but all books on the<br>
> >>>>> site, and all lists in them, it needs to be fixed on server level.<br>
> >>>>> Fixing each list individually, and thus having inline styles that<br>
> >>>>> might mess up exporting would be possible, but tedious and ugly.<br>
> >>>>><br>
> >>>>> Could you please set the font size for lists inside the content area<br>
> >>>>> to 13, too?<br>
> >>>>><br>
> >>>>> CSS to modify, starting line 1574 in booki.css:<br>
> >>>>><br>
> >>>>> #full-view-content p, #bookcontent p, #bookcontent ol, #bookcontent<br>
> >>>>> ul {<br>
> >>>>> font-size: 13px;<br>
> >>>>> line-height: 140%;<br>
> >>>>> margin: 1em 0;<br>
> >>>>> padding: 0;<br>
> >>>>> }<br>
> >>>>><br>
> >>>>> Thanks,<br>
> >>>>> Maren<br>
> >>>>><br>
> >>>>> Am 23.01.2018 um 04:31 schrieb M R:<br>
> >>>>>> Thanks, Mick -- the weekend would be fine with me. Maybe best to<br>
> >>>>>> have someone who has some familiarity with the old book, and in<br>
> >>>>>> general with the folkways of FM.<br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>> I may have mentioned this before, but there's one specific<br>
> >>>>>> formatting issue I'd like you (or whoever reviews) to consider,<br>
> >>>>>> aside from whatever else comes up. In the Menu Bar chapter there<br>
> >>>>>> is extensive use of tables to hold the menu information. As I did<br>
> >>>>>> wherever possible, here I preserved the formatting from the<br>
> >>>>>> original book, where these tables were set to zero cell padding and<br>
> >>>>>> no border. This worked well enough in the original version, when<br>
> >>>>>> each cell entry was at most a single sentence in length, and it<br>
> >>>>>> resulted in a nice clean design. However, Audacity 2.x's much more<br>
> >>>>>> extensive use of submenus forced me to make considerably longer<br>
> >>>>>> entries in some of those table cells, and I'm not certain how<br>
> >>>>>> readable the end result is for some tables. I think the solution<br>
> >>>>>> would be pretty straightforward: either adding a bit of cell padding to<br>
> >> each table, or adding a narrow border.<br>
> >>>>>> But I didn't want to go either way without consultation. I don't<br>
> >>>>>> think this issue afflicts any chapter beyond the Menu Bar ch.<br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>> Matt<br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------<br>
> >>>>>> -----<br>
> >>>>>> *From:* Discuss <discuss-bounces@lists.flossmanuals.net<br>
> <<a href="mailto:discuss-bounces@lists.flossmanuals.net">mailto:discuss-bounces@lists.flossmanuals.net</a>><br>
> >>>>>> <<a href="mailto:discuss-bounces@lists.flossmanuals.net">mailto:discuss-bounces@lists.flossmanuals.net</a>>> on behalf of Mick<br>
> >>>>>> Chesterman <M.Chesterman@mmu.ac.uk <<a href="mailto:M.Chesterman@mmu.ac.uk">mailto:M.Chesterman@mmu.ac.uk</a>><br>
> >> <<a href="mailto:M.Chesterman@mmu.ac.uk">mailto:M.Chesterman@mmu.ac.uk</a>>><br>
> >>>>>> *Sent:* Monday, January 22, 2018 1:00 AM<br>
> >>>>>> *To:* discuss@lists.flossmanuals.net <<a href="mailto:discuss@lists.flossmanuals.net">mailto:discuss@lists.flossmanuals.net</a>><br>
> >>>>>> <<a href="mailto:discuss@lists.flossmanuals.net">mailto:discuss@lists.flossmanuals.net</a>><br>
> >>>>>> *Subject:* Re: [FM Discuss] next steps on Audacity book<br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>> HI there,<br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>> This sounds good. Can anyone step forward to have a look over the<br>
> >>>>>> Audacity manual before we do a pdf and epub print for the front page?<br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>> I can do it at the weekend if not.<br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>> Thanks<br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>> Mick<br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>> Mick Chesterman<br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>> Educational Innovation and Enterprise Tutor &<br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>> EdLab Project Developer<br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>> Department of Childhood, Youth and Education Studies.<br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>> Manchester Metropolitan University<br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>> Web: <a href="http://edlab.org.uk">http://edlab.org.uk</a> <<a href="http://edlab.org.uk/">http://edlab.org.uk/</a>> / Twitter:<br>
> >>>>>> @EdLabMMU<br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>> EdLab MMU - Exploring Educational Innovation and ...<br>
> >>>>> <<a href="http://edlab.org.uk/">http://edlab.org.uk/</a>><br>
> >>>>>> edlab.org.uk <<a href="http://edlab.org.uk">http://edlab.org.uk</a>><br>
> >>>>>> Exploring Educational Innovation and Enterprise in Education -<br>
> >>>>>> Creatively generating projects rooted in community engagement and<br>
> >>>>>> student experience.<br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>> Phone: 0161 2472060<br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>> /Please note: My working days are Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and<br>
> >>>>> Thursday/<br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>> *From:*Discuss [<a href="mailto:discuss-bounces@lists.flossmanuals.net">mailto:discuss-bounces@lists.flossmanuals.net</a>] *On<br>
> >>>>>> Behalf Of *M R<br>
> >>>>>> *Sent:* 18 January 2018 21:05<br>
> >>>>>> *To:* discuss@lists.flossmanuals.net <<a href="mailto:discuss@lists.flossmanuals.net">mailto:discuss@lists.flossmanuals.net</a>><br>
> >>>>>> <<a href="mailto:discuss@lists.flossmanuals.net">mailto:discuss@lists.flossmanuals.net</a>><br>
> >>>>>> *Subject:* Re: [FM Discuss] next steps on Audacity book<br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>> Mick:<br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>> It looks to me like other folks have finished adding in their<br>
> >>>>>> pieces to the non-Windows sections of the manual re-write, so<br>
> >>>>>> whenever you get a chance at some quality control (just because I<br>
> >>>>>> assume that someone needs to, who hasn't been a<br>
> >>>>>> writer-contributor), then we can wrap this up and get it published,<br>
> >>>>>> to start helping whoever out there might actually want to use it.<br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>> Actually, I suppose someone else could handle the review too -- not<br>
> >>>>>> sure what the protocol is here. But I just wanted to make sure<br>
> >>>>>> this stays in the queue as a near-term task. I assume we all have<br>
> >>>>>> day jobs 😊(I'm a college professor so I was just on holiday break<br>
> >>>>>> -- that's why I could find 50 hrs or so to do the bulk of the rewrite).<br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>> thanks,<br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>> Matt<br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>> -------------------------------------------------------------------<br>
> >>>>>> -----<br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>> *From:*Discuss <discuss-bounces@lists.flossmanuals.net<br>
> <<a href="mailto:discuss-bounces@lists.flossmanuals.net">mailto:discuss-bounces@lists.flossmanuals.net</a>><br>
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> >>>>>> <<a href="mailto:discuss-bounces@lists.flossmanuals.net">mailto:discuss-bounces@lists.flossmanuals.net</a>>> on behalf of Mick<br>
> >>>>>> Chesterman <M.Chesterman@mmu.ac.uk <<a href="mailto:M.Chesterman@mmu.ac.uk">mailto:M.Chesterman@mmu.ac.uk</a>><br>
> >> <<a href="mailto:M.Chesterman@mmu.ac.uk">mailto:M.Chesterman@mmu.ac.uk</a>><br>
> >>>>> <<a href="mailto:M.Chesterman@mmu.ac.uk">mailto:M.Chesterman@mmu.ac.uk</a>>><br>
> >>>>>> *Sent:* Friday, January 12, 2018 4:12 AM<br>
> >>>>>> *To:* discuss@lists.flossmanuals.net <<a href="mailto:discuss@lists.flossmanuals.net">mailto:discuss@lists.flossmanuals.net</a>><br>
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> >>>>> <<a href="mailto:discuss@lists.flossmanuals.net">mailto:discuss@lists.flossmanuals.net</a>><br>
> >>>>>> *Subject:* Re: [FM Discuss] next steps on Audacity book<br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>> To exit chapter titles you just double click into the title on the<br>
> >>>>>> chapter list screen.<br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>> *From:*Discuss <discuss-bounces@lists.flossmanuals.net<br>
> <<a href="mailto:discuss-bounces@lists.flossmanuals.net">mailto:discuss-bounces@lists.flossmanuals.net</a>><br>
> >>>>>> <<a href="mailto:discuss-bounces@lists.flossmanuals.net">mailto:discuss-bounces@lists.flossmanuals.net</a>><br>
> >>>>>> <<a href="mailto:discuss-bounces@lists.flossmanuals.net">mailto:discuss-bounces@lists.flossmanuals.net</a>>> on behalf of M R<br>
> >>>>>> <matrobnew@hotmail.com <<a href="mailto:matrobnew@hotmail.com">mailto:matrobnew@hotmail.com</a>><br>
> <<a href="mailto:matrobnew@hotmail.com">mailto:matrobnew@hotmail.com</a>><br>
> >>>>>> <<a href="mailto:matrobnew@hotmail.com">mailto:matrobnew@hotmail.com</a>>><br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>> *Sent:*12 January 2018 10:55<br>
> >>>>>> *To:* discuss@lists.flossmanuals.net <<a href="mailto:discuss@lists.flossmanuals.net">mailto:discuss@lists.flossmanuals.net</a>><br>
> >>>>>> <<a href="mailto:discuss@lists.flossmanuals.net">mailto:discuss@lists.flossmanuals.net</a>><br>
> >>>>> <<a href="mailto:discuss@lists.flossmanuals.net">mailto:discuss@lists.flossmanuals.net</a>><br>
> >>>>>> *Subject:* Re: [FM Discuss] next steps on Audacity book<br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>> I actually wanted to edit some of the other chapter TITLES a bit,<br>
> >>>>>> but couldn't figure out a way to do that. No big deal though, as<br>
> >>>>>> the current titles will serve. I did drag one entire chapter out<br>
> >>>>>> of the to-be-published structure and down to the bottom: that was<br>
> >>>>>> "MP3 INSTALLATION ON WINDOWS" bc it's no longer necessary to<br>
> >>>>>> install the<br>
> >>>>> LAME<br>
> >>>>>> MP3 codec separately. Just one of many ways that Audacity has<br>
> >>>>>> gotten more user-friendly over the years.<br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>><br>
> >>>>>><br>
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> >>>>>><br>
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