[Booki-dev] changes to booki-zip format

Douglas Bagnall douglas at paradise.net.nz
Thu Nov 19 00:45:24 PST 2009

Booki components use a format called "booki-zip" when they're passing
books between themselves.  It was developed in a rush and has a few
problems, and now is a good time to change it.

There's a proposal attached.  The main changes from the current format are:

1. Chapter authorship information has been merged with the manifest.

2. The TOC has become more explicit and robust.

3. The metadata structure has ridiculously but necessarily deep nesting.

Some points that might need debate are:

* is #1 above a good idea?

* does the TOC structure really need 'nav_id' and 'type' (and if so,
does 'type' need a constrained vocab)?

* is the metadata structure too flexible or not flexible enough? (no and
maybe, in my opinion).

* and bikeshed number 1 is: what should the booki internal metadata
namespace be (currently 'http://booki.cc/')?

I won't rabbit on explaining why it is like it is, but feel free to ask

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