[Booki-dev] History Tab

Aleksandar Erkalovic aerkalov at gmail.com
Tue Aug 3 14:51:24 PDT 2010

hi john,

On Tue, Aug 3, 2010 at 8:49 PM, John Curwood <info at lovinglearning.co.nz> wrote:
> You've done a fantastic job on Booki, the features that are now
> available in the history tab are great, and the versioning feature looks
> really cool, although I haven't spent much time looking at it yet.

thanx. you need to be owner of the book to fully experience versioning feature.
basicly, you need to be book owner to create new versions.

> 1 - What does the "compare historically" button do? Nothing seems to
> happen when I press it.

that is correct :) i did not finished it and forgot to remove it (for
now). when it is
done, it will show historical overview of changes. basicly, something like you
have in twiki (fm.net) now.

also, diff is pretty ugly. i was lazy to make it more attractive (or functional)
for now. that will be changed pretty soon.

> 2 - In the earlier version of Booki, when I clicked on the "minor change
> don't notify" box before saving a chapter there was no records made in
> the history of the changes i had made, now if I click on that box before
> saving a chapter a history log is still created, is this correct? and if
> so what effect does the 'minor change don't notify' box have?

this is a bug. will fix it. besides adding some visual features i also
changed a lot
of internal booki structure and code. so, some new bugs will come out.

> 3 - In the earlier version of Booki, values entered into the Author, and
> Author comment text boxes at the bottom of a chapter were displayed in
> the history tab. Now they are not, so what purpose do these two text
> boxes have? why would a user enter values into them? and if they do have
> a purpose where could the info recorded in these text boxes be
> displayed?

these text boxes are used to record information about author in case when
you are inserting someone's quote or doing copy+paste from other text.
it is still being recorded, and that info is used int he list of book authors.
i don't show if in history tab for now only because i did not know how to
format it and where to show it. any ideas about that?

also, i am not sure list of authors now work after i introduces versions.
i did not bother with it before because there was only one book version.
but that is something i will have to look at tomorrow.

anyhoo, feel free to ask me anything. happy to help you.



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