[Booki-dev] [Booki and Objavi Development] #215: Allow custom CSS for html view as well

Mushon Zer-Aviv mushon at shual.com
Thu Jul 8 08:42:24 PDT 2010

On 7/7/10 1:10 PM, adam hyde wrote:
> im not clear on how this would work with the interface or workflow...
Is there some general control panel per book? It could fit there.
In general it seems like the tabs can be set differently:

[Chapters] [History]__________________________[Publish] [Book Settings]        [To-Do] [Chat]____________
|                                                                     |        |                         |

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and so on...

The To-Do can be more useful than the notes as it can be more like chapter based issue tracking.
(it's worth seeing in parallel to the chapter as to better communicate its state and aggregate outstanding issues.

Aco and I talked about it on IRC a few days ago, I know he's into that and I am willing to help mock it up.



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