[Booki-dev] Comments on Booki

Alexandre Quessy alexandre at quessy.net
Sat Sep 18 06:36:14 PDT 2010

As Adam asked me, I re-post my comments on Booki that I sent on
discuss mailing list recently. Here they are:

 * you don't need python-simplejson if you are using python 2.6 or
above. Just use the "json" module.

 * Make sure your package is named "booki", and not "lib". (use from
booki import ...)

 * the config file could be a ConfigParser document, not a .py file.
(XML is fine too. JSON doesn't support comments) In Python, it's
pretty easy to support many locations for such a file. It could check
in both /etc/booki.conf the ~/.booki, and some environment variables
for example. The latter overrides the former.

 * You should put the short version of the GPL with copyright owner to
each Python file.

 * I think it's right to put the version number of the library in its
__init__.py. You can read that from the setup.py

 * You should favour installing dependencies using the OS' packaging
system (such as APT) if possible. There are Debian packages for
python-redis, python-simplejson (now in the core Python stuff, though)
and python-django.

This is all from mostly from a packager's point of view - not much
from a developer one.
I might package this to Debian if the packaging is clean enough. :)

Alexandre Quessy

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