[Booki-dev] Re : Redis

Nicolas Dufour nicoduf at yahoo.fr
Wed Oct 19 09:02:34 PDT 2011


> De : Aleksandar Erkalovic <aerkalov at gmail.com>
> like adam said... what version does it have, and what kind of problems
> do you have with it?!

Debian 6 currently have Redis 1.2.6. But I can activate the backports and then install Redis 2.
The main issue with have is slowness (pages take progressively longer to update), which can be correlated with Redis memory and CPU consumption.
4 hours ago, I had to purge the database because the redis process used 200Mio in RAM. I've just purged again, but this time, the process used only 20Mio and ate 30% of CPU (it took about 20 seconds just to update the chapters list).

> it must be version 2 or more. also, you can try to delete dump.rdb
> file (where redis is saving data) and try to restart it.
> maybe you have installed older version of redis as part of some distribution.

Stopping the service, deleting the dump.rdb file and restarting redis is the only solution I've found to repair the server. But up to now, I had to do that once a week, which was not too critical. Today, twice the same afternoon, while a book sprint is in progress, makes it a bigger concern.

We've planned to upgrade Redis tonight. Hopefully it will fix our issue.

BTW, do you have a custom /etc/redis.conf file or do you use the default one ?


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