[FM Discuss] Stats for downloads

Joshua Facemyer jfacemyer at gmail.com
Tue Sep 29 06:17:47 PDT 2009

Janet Swisher wrote:
>> I could not disagree more. Stats become the rule. I have worked in many
>> media organisations, not just this one, and I know very well what roles
>> stats play when linked to audiences.
> It's often said that "you cannot manage what you do not measure". The
> flip side of this is "what gets measured is what gets managed".
> Therefore, it is very important to pick metrics carefully, and to be
> aware of the limitations of indirect metrics.

I think Adam is saying that he's not really interested in "steering" or 
"managing", but instead he wants FM to >create< - without the hassle of 
worrying about who's reading.

I agree that it's not a good idea to focus on who's doing what with the 
content so much, because then success or failure becomes dependent on 
readership rather than the actual focus, which is creation of (quality) 

As maintainers and contributors, if we are interested in growing a 
readership and basing decisions on that readership, we are able (and 
responsible) for doing that work, but it's not the focus of FM.

One more thought (of my own): If there were not enough work for FM to 
accomplish on primary goals, it might be okay to push this idea through 
(if it were a secondary goal).  But, especially with Booki in the works, 
this is an especially important time to not get distracted by side goals 
(even if it were a goal, which it is, apparently, not).

I think Adam is right on - let's be free of all that and just make books.


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