[FM Discuss] FM iPhone epub booker reader

andycat intothemist at gmail.com
Mon Aug 2 22:48:58 PDT 2010


Ive customised an existing objective-c epub reader app and thrown
together an experimental iPhone/iPod FM epub book reader. The basic idea
is that the app requests a json-formatted list of books, and the
corressponding URL of the epub (as made by objavi in our case). I made
this list by hand , after manually setting off objavi for certain books,
and noting the URL of each publish request. eg -
The app then makes simple list menus dynamically based on 1) the books
available, the books downloaded locally (ie you can read books locally
on the app with no network coverage after the first download of each
book), 2) the first level menu of a book ie chapter headers, then
finally it renders an epub's chapter (html inside the epub) as a webview
- a mini-html browser. As i say, most of this code/architecture was
already done by somebody on the internets - doh :)

Theres a (terrible) screencast showing the app running in the simulator
via XCode (the apple objective-c IDE)
here : http://lumi.infiniterecursion.com.au/fm-dist/20100801-Record.mov
I only have a freeview screencapture tool :|

If anybody wants to install the app unfortunately you need to send me
you device's UDID and I can add you to the AdHoc provisioning profile.
Apple have a crypto-cert lock down mechanism unless we resort to
jailbreaking etc

Of course , you could just compile it youself - The github project is here :


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