[FM Discuss] fm rebuild

adam hyde adam at flossmanuals.net
Wed Jun 16 05:55:08 PDT 2010


Just some news on booki. We will soon be replacing TWiki...long live
TWiki...it was good for FM :) we used it as a rapid dev framework
really, and in the end it became the solution. However, it has always
been a bit tricky to manage and FM admin requires some rather obscure
admin practices....so...we are going to replace TWiki with a suite of
new software. Booki and Objavi of course, and Booki Publisher. 

So, we might experience some bumps over the next weeks...I hope there
won't be too much pain, but things will be a little different. FM itself
will more-or-less look the same but we will do all the writing in Booki
which is in itself a new thing...

Aco and I are working on it this week, we hope, if all goes well, it
won't take more than a week or so to hit the big 'migrate' button...

I'll write more as the days pass so you know what to expect...



Adam Hyde
Founder FLOSS Manuals
German mobile : + 49 177 4935122
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