[FM Discuss] FLOSS Manual for FSlint

Chris Stackpole c.stackpole at gmail.com
Mon Jun 21 16:17:52 PDT 2010

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Hello everyone!

I have a few questions I am hoping someone can answer.

Yesterday I had a computer novice go through the manual and point out a
few corrections (ok...a lot :). Today I had a few emails on a few
corrections that I have either fixed or am in the process of fixing
(still working on Janet's suggestion). I am getting really close to
finishing this step of compiling the information and smoothing it out.
What's next? What steps are there between where I am at and having
FSlint posted as a complete manual? Is there a FLOSS manuals editor that
needs to go through it?

Also, it was pointed out to me that when you visit the 'homepage' for
the FSlint manual[1] there is a note at the bottom that states:
"Note : This page is not the manual, to see the complete manual look
here : FSlint[2]."
However, that link[2] is an old version and does not reflect a lot of
changes that have been made. What do I need to do to update that
information? I looked around but I didn't see anything. Did I just miss it?

[1] http://en.flossmanuals.net/bin/view/FSlint/WebHome
[2] http://en.flossmanuals.net/FSlint/Introduction

Thanks everyone!
Chris Stackpole
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