[FM Discuss] E-Book Enlightenment to be published late this afternoon

adam adam at flossmanuals.net
Sat Jul 9 00:38:18 PDT 2011


so. the notice you sent can be seen many places. first
on your own profile page:

then on the front page of booki.fm (in the announce tab):

and then also if anyone is following the 'hashtag' #announce the message 
also appears on their profile page as it does for me:


lastly, anyone following you or the hashtag will see the message on 
their profile page and they may also get an *email*. It is possible that 
anyone following you or the announce hashtag would get an email if they 
had changed their settings to enable this. By default everyone gets only 
direct messages to their email inbox ( if you had sent the message with 
the direct message syntax @[username] eg. @JanetSwisher) but you can 
control this from the 'my settings' page. The syntax is obscure but in 
the 'notification filter' you can put (separated by space):
@* - block emails for direct messages to you
#* - block messages from hashtags you are following
!* - block group messages from groups you belong to
~* - block messages form people you are following
ℬ* - block messages from boosk you are following

messages can contain any number of direct message, group message 
directives etc in the same message. For example:

'Audacity manual published to lulu...cool new cover :) @nicestep 
#announce !audio #radio #podcasting !espanol'

would go to you (your profile page and an email), the frontpage, the 
profile pages of all those belonging to the group 'audio' AND the front 
page of that group (see http://booki.flossmanuals.net/groups/mozilla/ or 
the hashtag homepages (eg - 
http://booki.flossmanuals.net/messaging/tags/talk ...needs formatting) 
of #announce and #radio AND all those following those tags, AND to the 
group 'espanol'....

you cna see what we are trying to do i think...we are trying to get 
lines of communication 'self forming' and working how you want them. The 
mailing list is good but its very centralised and best for certain types 
of info...its not so good for aiding collaboration, at least not as good 
as the new messaging system...



On 07/09/2011 01:53 AM, James Simmons wrote:
> Adam,
> I believe I followed your instructions and something got sent.  Where do
> these messages appear?
> James Simmons
> On Fri, Jul 8, 2011 at 3:07 AM, adam<adam at flossmanuals.net>  wrote:
>> On 07/07/2011 09:06 PM, James Simmons wrote:
>>> Adam,
>>> When I go to the link you gave me I see a text box, a couple of links for
>>> attachments and text snippets, a "Share" button and a "Post a message"
>>> link.  I'm not sure which I'm supposed to use, the button or the link.
>> use the share box. put in the messages field #announce then open the
>> snippet box and put your message in that...formatted with the WYSIWYG - then
>> send :)
>> adam
>>> I know you covered this in some emails but I only skimmed them before I
>>> deleted them.  I did experiment with creating a blog post, but that was
>>> it.
>>> James Simmons
>>> On Thu, Jul 7, 2011 at 10:12 AM, adam<adam at flossmanuals.net>   wrote:
>>>   dont forget to make it an #announce wiht our fancy new tools :)
>>>> http://booki.flossmanuals.net/****accounts/nicestep/<http://booki.flossmanuals.net/**accounts/nicestep/>
>>>> <http://**booki.flossmanuals.net/**accounts/nicestep/<http://booki.flossmanuals.net/accounts/nicestep/>
>>>> adam
>>>> On 07/07/2011 05:09 PM, James Simmons wrote:
>>>>   I've been putting the finishing touches on a PDF to submit to the
>>>>> Internet
>>>>> Archive.  You can download it here:
>>>>> http://objavi.booki.cc/books/****ebookenlightenment-en-2011.**07.**<http://objavi.booki.cc/books/**ebookenlightenment-en-2011.07.**>
>>>>> 07-14.59.33.pdf<http://objavi.**booki.cc/books/**
>>>>> ebookenlightenment-en-2011.07.**07-14.59.33.pdf<http://objavi.booki.cc/books/ebookenlightenment-en-2011.07.07-14.59.33.pdf>
>>>>> The published website for the book is pretty much the same as this PDF.
>>>>>   I
>>>>> made one spelling correction and changed some page breaks since I
>>>>> published.  Everything looks to me to be as good as I can make it.  If
>>>>> you
>>>>> have a different viewpoint, you'll have a few more hours to tell me.
>>>>> Thanks,
>>>>> James Simmons
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>>>> --
>>>> --
>>>> Adam Hyde
>>>> Founder, FLOSS Manuals
>>>> Project Manager, Booki
>>>> Book Sprint Facilitator
>>>> mobile :+ 49 177 4935122
>>>> identi.ca : @eset
>>>> booki.flossmanuals.net : @adam
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>> --
>> --
>> Adam Hyde
>> Founder, FLOSS Manuals
>> Project Manager, Booki
>> Book Sprint Facilitator
>> mobile :+ 49 177 4935122
>> identi.ca : @eset
>> booki.flossmanuals.net : @adam
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Adam Hyde
Founder, FLOSS Manuals
Project Manager, Booki
Book Sprint Facilitator
mobile :+ 49 177 4935122
identi.ca : @eset
booki.flossmanuals.net : @adam


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