[FM Discuss] some news and things

Elisa Godoy de Castro Guerra elisa.dcg at gmail.com
Sun Jul 3 02:17:24 PDT 2011

Hi Adam,

Congratulation for the event with Google.
Some news about Fmfr :

Next week 6th to 10th : Booksprint in french about Scribus with the help of OIF
10th to 14th : Fmfr will be at RMLL with Booki And you Adam :)
10th to 14th : Framalng will translate the open web book

In October : Booksprint in french about Arduino in Dakar with the help of OIF

We have some french initiative who write book :
- Pure Data manual will be the support of some professor in Montréal
and he make a lot of improvment into our manual
- Mathieu is translating the CiviCRM
- new manuals beguin : DoudouLinux and Stop Motion

And as always we have Processing, Pure Data and Thunderbird complete.


2011/7/1 adam <adam at flossmanuals.net>:
> hey
> first - apologies to Janet and Anne for not getting the newsletter out in
> time to promote their openhelp event. Very very sorry for this. It was
> entirely my fault that this fell off the todo list. I hope it was a great
> event (reading reports about it made it sounded very cool - friendly and
> informative).
> So, next up...the fm admin tool functionality and css has been upgraded. I
> would *really* love it if those that have maintainer access could blog about
> their manuals. Its about time the blog reflected opinions and experiences
> other than mine...the blog is actually now empty. I backed up the old blog
> and will put it online as an archive somewhere for 'historical' reference.
> So we need to get new posts! post away....no need to ask permission, just do
> it.
> Also its now much easier to set up new language sites and we have new
> language managers for Vietnamese and Russian FM sites - more on this next
> week.
> There is much other new but I want to hold off a bit for some of it. To much
> to do at the moment and not enough time to report the various items with
> their due attention. One little bit of news I do want to share with you now
> is that FM will be collaborating with Google Summer of Code to do a Doc
> Camp. This will happen just before the GSoC Mentors Summit and will be held
> at the Google HQ.
> Its pretty big news for us actually and its an attempt to push free
> documentation ahead in projects that need help. Its also an attempt to help
> grow this sector (if we can call it that yet).
> Anyways. Its pretty cool and I will post more info about it soon.
> I will send out a newsletter next week - please send me any items to include
> in it.
> adam
> --
> --
> Adam Hyde
> Founder, FLOSS Manuals
> Project Manager, Booki
> Book Sprint Facilitator
> mobile :+ 49 177 4935122
> identi.ca : @eset
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