[FM Discuss] Translations

Daniel James daniel.james at sourcefabric.org
Fri Jun 3 06:16:59 PDT 2011

Hi Edward,

>> I suggest the permanent solution is rather than using individual
>> imagemaps, to include one 'menu bar' on all user-facing pages with
>> context-sensitive buttons for the different languages. So if I'm an
>> Arabic speaker who has followed a link to the English manual on
>> bypassing censorship, the Arabic button will be 'lit up' in such a way
>> that indicates a translation is available, and I can switch to Arabic
>> with one click.
> Can you give us a link to a mockup?

Sure - http://test.flossmanuals.net/TEST_1/ has six language buttons,
but there are room for more. See the first 32 lines of the HTML for the
suggested implementation. I think you'll agree it's cleaner and more
extensible to use the external CSS file to position rows of individual
buttons than to use a static imagemap.

I've also re-created the Finnish buttons for read/write/remix/about as
the old ones were not anti-aliased.



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