[FM Discuss] new fm switching over now

Elisa Godoy de Castro Guerra elisa.dcg at gmail.com
Thu Mar 17 03:10:19 PDT 2011


I use Fm en french but we are translating your english manual Thunderbird.
We will do a Translation Sprint who's name is TradAction (translation -
action) Friday (tomorrow) to Sunday in Paris.
The maintaner of the translation tell me that we have a pb, the english
manual of Thunderbird is no more here !
We have a big error message at the place of the english version :
Not Found

The requested URL /bin/view/Thunderbird/Introduction was not found on this

How can i fix it ?

2011/3/17 Ed Cable <edcable at gmail.com>
>> Is anyone having issues adding images? Since the migration I've not been
>> able to add an image. I upload it but then it doesn't show up as an image to
>> be inserted.
>> This is for the Mifos manual.
>> Thanks,
>> Ed
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