[FM Discuss] updated IBD

Mick Fuzz mickfuzz at clearerchannel.org
Wed Jun 27 06:46:00 PDT 2012

> 5. Meaningful credit for all contributors

just to follow up on this with a couple of stories. They don't really
require a response but thoughts or similar situations would of interest

I was involved in open web book and Adam wrote some really meaningful
credit in about this book chapter.
That's really detailed and one end of the spectrum. Thanks Adam.

Another perspective is the Basic Internet Security which I've been
resusing the Thunderbird and Enigmail chapters but I'm not really sure
who to credit, who to thank or who to get Mozilla to sent a Thunderbird
T-shirt too. I found this page, but individual chapters are not
credited. I want to share the attribution a bit more specifically rather
than just pointing to this chapter which lists the participants.

Now I know that Sacha is on this list, so I can ask him and Adam if they
remember - "Hey who wrote that bit, I want to give them credit and get
them a T-shirt." But someone outside of this social loop wouldn't be
able to do that.

nice one

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