[FM Discuss] a crazy moment pondering a manifesto

adam at flossmanuals.net adam at flossmanuals.net
Sat Jun 30 15:08:43 PDT 2012

Srbp isn't a very catchy acronym :)

Aren't books developed? Develop is not a term only connected to the
domains of software and photography....


> Hi Adam,
>> how about a name for the process. i was thinking of FIBd
>> Fast Iterative Book development
> Personally, that doesn't work for me. 'Iterative development' is a
> software term, it doesn't mean anything to authors, editors or
> publishers. (Even people who write Free Software manuals are not usually
> programmers, in my experience).
> Books are not really developed, which implies not yet being fully
> functional and never being completed. When you click the 'export' button
> you are producing something, which may or may not be the final version,
> but it will still function as a book. Books should not 'crash' like
> software :-)
> Also, not all iterative book production uses the FM or Booktype model.
> Most computer manuals are iterative (there is one revision per software
> release) but they are not necessarily fast or social.
> 'Social Rapid Book Production' might be closer to the mark.
> Cheers!
> Daniel

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