[FM Discuss] a crazy moment pondering a manifesto

Daniel James daniel.james at sourcefabric.org
Fri Jun 29 09:39:25 PDT 2012

Hi Adam,
> how about a name for the process. i was thinking of FIBd
> Fast Iterative Book development

Personally, that doesn't work for me. 'Iterative development' is a
software term, it doesn't mean anything to authors, editors or
publishers. (Even people who write Free Software manuals are not usually
programmers, in my experience).

Books are not really developed, which implies not yet being fully
functional and never being completed. When you click the 'export' button
you are producing something, which may or may not be the final version,
but it will still function as a book. Books should not 'crash' like
software :-)

Also, not all iterative book production uses the FM or Booktype model.
Most computer manuals are iterative (there is one revision per software
release) but they are not necessarily fast or social.

'Social Rapid Book Production' might be closer to the mark.



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