[FM Discuss] Modifying Bookipublisher

adam adam at flossmanuals.net
Thu Mar 21 14:15:05 PDT 2013

the idea is that we will add the front end to booktype (django) as an 
app. its planned for the next months.


On 03/22/2013 04:24 AM, Tomi Toivio wrote:
> 2013/3/21 Mick - Floss Manuals <mick at flossmanuals.net>:
>> For people that are interested in this, let's sketch out some ideas here.
>> https://pad.riseup.net/p/bookipublishernomore
> Well, it would probably make more sense to add the front end straight
> to Booktype.
> If it needs a separate front end, my suggestion is to create a
> WordPress plugin which might be called... The WordPress Booktype
> Publisher Plugin. I am heavily biased since currently I just happen to
> work a lot on WordPress projects. But it does make sense since most FM
> sites would probably use WordPress as a news blog and have it
> installed. Additionally WordPress is currently the most popular CMS
> platform. But I am just selfishly suggesting the platform that would
> be the easiest for me to tweak around.
> Finnish site cannot use the same shop as the English site. Finnish
> site should use this local print on demand publisher instead of
> Lulu.com: http://www.bod.fi/ I don't think there is any need to use an
> API or anything, it could even be a static page with links to the
> bookshop.

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