[FM Discuss] need a Mac user for some help with Audacity manual rewrite

M R matrobnew at hotmail.com
Tue Jan 9 20:11:49 PST 2018

Hi folks:

Looking for a Mac user, ideally with some awareness of the Audacity tool, though perhaps no previous experience at all would be just as helpful.

I am in the process of rewriting the Audacity manual to reflect the fairly substantial changes from the initial (1.x) release to the latest (2.2.1).  There are specific chapters on installation for Ubuntu and Mac OS that I cannot address, having no access at present to either OS.  In addition, the chapter on Recording includes a long section on configuring your Mac for recording with Audacity (a bunch of specific steps you needn't take with Windows or Linux).  Looking at the official Audacity documentation, it appears to me that much in this section no longer applies, but I can't tell for sure without Mac access.  And to the extent that any of this Mac-specific recording config is still necessary, we'd need a Mac anyway to generate the new screenshots where necessary (and I'm guessing they would be, as I've had to replace every single Windows screenshot in the manual with a new one).  So, any help on this score would be appreciated. The Mac and Ubuntu installation chapters, and this part of the Recording chapter, are the only parts I think can't be adequately covered with a Windows machine.


Matt Roberts

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