[FM Discuss] Sort and search translation projects?

Edward Cherlin echerlin at gmail.com
Wed Jan 19 13:48:29 PST 2011

The page


contains just a text list of projects, all run together. Can we have a
better display, preferably with the option to view projects in just
one selected language at a time? Can we at least have each title on
its own line? How about a legend giving the language/abbreviation

en English
es Español Spanish
fi Suomi Finnish
fr Français French
nl Duits (Nederlands) Dutch

it Italian, hi Hindi, ru Russian, zh Chinese (traditional, da Danish,
jp Japanese, po Polish, pl Polish, pt Portuguese, ptBR Brazilian
Portuguese, br  Brazilian Portuguese, vi Vietnamese, ca Catalan, el
Greek, my Burmese, ar Arabic, gl Galician, he Hebrew, sv Swedish, de
German, af Afrikaans, zh_CN Chinese PRC (simplified), id Indonesian,
tr empty, si Sinhalese (Sri Lanka)

Please note languages (Polish, Brazilian Portuguese) with two codes.

I would prefer not to see

Free software Manuals
Manuals about free softwares [sic]
ActivitiesGuideSugar_es, Ardour_de, Ardour_it, Ardour_ptBR, Ardour_ru,
Audacity_es, Audacity_hi, Avidemux_de, Blender_ca, BookSprints_es,
Browse_el, Campsite_ru, Chat_el, CircumventionTools_ar,
CircumventionTools_es, CircumventionTools_my, CircumventionTools_ru,
CircumventionTools_vi, CircumventionTools_zh, CiviCRM_zh,
CollaborativeFutures_es, CommandLineIntro_ar, CommandLineIntro_da,
CommandLineIntro_el, CommandLineIntro_es, CommandLineIntro_gl,
CommandLineIntro_he, CommandLineIntro_jp, CommandLineIntro_ptBR,
CommandLineIntro_ru, CommandLineIntro_sv, DigitalFoundations_de,
DigitalFoundations_es, DigitalFoundations_fr, DigitalFoundations_he,
DigitalFoundations_it, DigitalFoundations_jp, DigitalFoundations_po,
DigitalFoundations_pt, DigitalFoundations_ru, DigitalFoundations_zh,
GTranscode, GTranscode_es, Inkscape_af, Inkscape_br, Inkscape_ca,
Inkscape_de, Inkscape_es, Inkscape_pl, Inkscape_pt, Inkscape_ro,
Inkscape_ru, Mifos_es, Mifos_fr, Mifos_pt, Mifos_zh_CN, Moodle_it,
MuSE_es, OpenOffice_vi, Plumi_es, Plumi_id, Processing_es,
PureData_br_pt, Record_el, Sugar.8_4_vi, Sugar_de, Sugar_el, Sugar_es,
Sugar_fr, Sugar_hi, Sugar_it, Sugar_nl, Sugar_pt, Sugar_tr, Sugar_vi,
Terminal_el, TheoraCookbook_ru, TheoraCookbook_uk, TurtleArt_de,
TurtleArt_el, TurtleArt_vi, WordPress_es, Write_el, XO_ar, XO_de,
XO_el, XO_es, XO_fr, XO_hi, XO_nl, XO_pl, XO_pt, XO_ptBR, XO_si,
XO_tr, XO_vi

but perhaps

Free software Manuals
Manuals about free software

* ActivitiesGuideSugar_es,
* Ardour_de, Ardour_it, Ardour_ptBR, Ardour_ru,
* Audacity_es, Audacity_hi,
* Avidemux_de, Blender_ca,
* BookSprints_es, Browse_el, Campsite_ru, Chat_el,
* CircumventionTools_ar, CircumventionTools_es, CircumventionTools_my,
CircumventionTools_ru, CircumventionTools_vi, CircumventionTools_zh,
* CiviCRM_zh,
* CollaborativeFutures_es,
* CommandLineIntro_ar, CommandLineIntro_da, CommandLineIntro_el,
CommandLineIntro_es, CommandLineIntro_gl, CommandLineIntro_he,
CommandLineIntro_jp, CommandLineIntro_ptBR, CommandLineIntro_ru,
* DigitalFoundations_de, DigitalFoundations_es, DigitalFoundations_fr,
DigitalFoundations_he, DigitalFoundations_it, DigitalFoundations_jp,
DigitalFoundations_po, DigitalFoundations_pt, DigitalFoundations_ru,
* GTranscode, GTranscode_es,
* Inkscape_af, Inkscape_br, Inkscape_ca, Inkscape_de, Inkscape_es,
Inkscape_pl, Inkscape_pt, Inkscape_ro, Inkscape_ru,
* Mifos_es, Mifos_fr, Mifos_pt, Mifos_zh_CN,
* Moodle_it,
* MuSE_es,
* OpenOffice_vi,
* Plumi_es, Plumi_id,
* Processing_es,
* PureData_br_pt,
* Record_el,
* Sugar.8_4_vi, Sugar_de, Sugar_el, Sugar_es, Sugar_fr, Sugar_hi,
Sugar_it, Sugar_nl, Sugar_pt, Sugar_tr, Sugar_vi,
* Terminal_el,
* TheoraCookbook_ru, TheoraCookbook_uk,
* TurtleArt_de, TurtleArt_el, TurtleArt_vi,
* WordPress_es,
* Write_el,
* XO_ar, XO_de, XO_el, XO_es, XO_fr, XO_hi, XO_nl, XO_pl, XO_pt,
XO_ptBR, XO_si, XO_tr, XO_vi

Edward Mokurai (默雷/धर्ममेघशब्दगर्ज/دھرممیگھشبدگر ج) Cherlin
Silent Thunder is my name, and Children are my nation.
The Cosmos is my dwelling place, the Truth my destination.

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